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Can You Really Travel Around The World On A Plant-Based Diet? Yes, He Did It.


Updated: Mar 4, 2023

At thirty years of age, he knew he had to be something more.

Having overcome depression through the invention of his own fitness method and the use of handstands, Steve Pilot needed to move on to the next level.

So, he embarked on a physical and spiritual journey.

He started traveling around the world and he changed his diet by becoming vegan.

Steve Pilot is a certified personal trainer and a vegan nutritionist. “People laughed at me when I told them I went vegan” Steve admits.

But now people overwhelm him with questions instead, asking him how is it possible to be a vegan bodybuilder.

Veganism is not just a diet, it is a way of life and it helped Pilot achieve his goals and happiness.

Read on as he reveals how you can do it.

“My trip started with Thailand”, the master of handstands recalls “And then I moved to Nepal and India”.

India made a huge impression on Steve since the variety of food there is tremendous. Spicy food, colorful food, lots of smells. “It’s easy to stay on track because India offers lots of dishes suitable for vegans”.

Vegans living in 2023 may consider themselves lucky.

Nowadays, markets offer plenty of vegan products but this was not the case some years ago. The variety of plant-based products was severely limited as the years passed.

Opposite India, Steve found it most difficult to stay on his plant-based diet when he visited Argentina.

Argentina was challenging, people eat a lot of meat there and their diet depends so much on it” vegan nutritionist Steve Pilot points out.

But still, Steve was able to stay on his track due to his enormous dedication to being the best version of himself.

It’s true that the majority of humans walking on earth are meat consumers but statistics suggest that the number of vegans throughout the world is constantly rising.

In 2010, nearly 30-40 million people worldwide were vegan whilst in 2023 this number has risen to 75-80 million people.

One possible explanation for this might be that people in modern society are searching for more advantageous and healthy eating concepts.

Steve not only loved visiting Greece, Egypt, and Lebanon, he surely loved the cuisines of those countries as well.

The Mediterranean diet is a light diet that offers lots of vegan alternatives since it includes lots of fruits and vegetables. Some of them are olives, cucumbers, berries, strawberries, and more.

Something that Steve finds interesting is the number of unintentional vegans throughout all the continents.

For religious reasons, some people choose to stay away from meat and animal products for periods of time, specified by their holy books, to purify their bodies and souls.

Some religions call people to be vegans for as long as 40 days and it is a tough challenge for those who are not used to it.

Vegan nutritionist and personal trainer Steve Pilot have tasted so many different vegan dishes on his journey. “In China, dumplings. They’re amazing.”

He says. “Also in Japan, I tried vegan sushi”. There is everywhere something nice to try.

What many people fear is that they will never feel full on a plant-based diet. They are afraid they will always feel hungry.

“Hunger is a matter of calories, not a matter of meat or plants” vegan nutritionist Steve Pilot explains.

“He then goes on to explain “If you feel hungry, psychological reasons might be to blame too.
But if you feel hungry on a plant-based diet it is because fruits and vegetables have fewer calories than animal products and meat. If you need to, eat a little more.

” That’s not all, Steve gives us a little insight into how fast food is related to hunger and what it does to our system.

“Fast food makes you feel full for an hour but then you will feel hungry again. It’s designed that way because they want to keep you going back and buying more.”

“North America? North America is easy. You have many options.

Mexico is also great, I ate some vegan tacos there.

I forgot Colombia.

In South America, Colombia has vegan plates to taste.” Pilot mentions.

A common question among people who are considering starting veganism is the cost of it.

Are vegan products more expensive?

Well, some products may be more expensive than others, like everything else in life. “It’s a myth” Steve states.

“Even if you go for some expensive food, it’s better to spend your money on your health than spend them on your disease.” He continues.

Our nutritional models are not completely healthy and that’s why it’s so easy for us to slip into disease.

Heart malfunctions, cancers, immunity problems, and blood pressure. If we truly are what we eat, then having a balanced healthy diet can keep us on our feet as long as we live.

“It’s crazy to think that you save money by not eating vegetables and then disease hits you and you empty your bank account” Steve Pilot notes.

When Steve was asked if a vegan diet is good for teens and kids, he said “It is suitable for everyone. From kids to middle age to very old people.

The only thing you have to monitor is your B12 vitamin, it might be tricky when you are on a vegan diet.”

Steve’s own budget is 300 dollars per month.

Depending on where you live, 300 dollars per month might actually be a low threshold. But certainly is not too high.

Finally, what do you have to do to obtain Steve’s impressive physique and become a vegan bodybuilder? “Real food comes first,” Steve answers strongly. “If you want to build muscle or you are a competitive athlete, then you may need to consider getting a protein supplement.”

A healthy diet is the backbone of a healthy lifestyle. Being on a plant-based diet is an excellent option for many people and it also has an ethical viewpoint into it.

You surely don’t need to travel the whole world like Steve did to change yourself.

Steve’s journey represents a change in perspective combined with particular life choices. What you can do?

Smile a little bit more, say good morning to the ones you love, or maybe replace your fast food with some healthy snacks.

If you need help getting started on your own journey, then we’re more than happy to help.

For more information about veganism, training programs, or Steve’s personal quest visit


Steve Pilot is a professional certified fitness coach and vegan nutritionist.

With over 27 years of fitness experience and a self-tested fitness program, his mission is to positively influence people’s lives by helping them become the best version of themselves through fitness, personal training, sustainable eating habits, and living an active lifestyle.

This goes beyond just lifting a few weights in the gym.

He offers a total transformation of mindset, body, and spirit.

STEVE PILOT FITNESS Online Vegan Fitness Coach Trainer
STEVE PILOT FITNESS Online Vegan Fitness Coach Trainer

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